I performed three eye AF test with the Nikon Z7 ii running the latest firmware. Watch the video then check out the gallery below to see if this camera or the Z6 ii is right for you!

Reported by Nikon Rumors there is a new camera Nikon has up its sleeve and it is not the Z9 that everyone has been waiting for. Nikon is rumored to be announcing on June 28th a new DX camera called the Nikon Z FC or ZFC. Lets break this down.
Photo by Nikon Rumors
Now on a surface level this camera looks great. Being a long fan of Nikon cameras I can appreciate the design with its nostalgic feel. There is no hand grip the color is opposite from anything Nikon has produced on its professional cameras in over a decade. It will be able to adapt older f mount lenses so you would be able to use lenses that came from the time of Nikon SLR cameras most popular era. So before I speak bad about this camera I want to make something clear. This camera is beautiful and I am sure at some point I would love to own this camera. But I’m left with one thought after seeing the news of this. WHY, but most importantly WHY NOW.
There is no secret Nikon users have had their eye on the Z9 since before Nikon has made their official announcement on the camera. So any Nikon camera news that has nothing to do with the Z9 is already a triggering moment. Personally I am satisfied with the Nikon Z7 ii that I currently use but if Nikon decided to send me a review unit I wouldn’t mind testing its 8k Functionality. Nikon gets a bad rep for their cameras but if you ask me I think Nikon has perfected the feel of their cameras in the hand and the color and dynamic range is one reason I would never leave. I really don’t care how better Sony’s eye auto focus is. I am a Nikon shooter and my loyalty lies here. So yes it is not the camera that we are anticipating. Its not even a full frame camera. In fact it is rumored to have similar specs to the Z50. My thoughts on the Z50? I just sold it to KEH only to buy a Z6 for my second camera and main video camera. If you aren’t familiar with KEH Click This Link they have amazing deals on used camera gear and also provide the best price towards gear you trade. Long story short though, I am not a fan of the Z50 and with this ZFC being $1000 with a kit lens I am not to thrilled with it either and that is because of the lack of support for there Z50. I’ve made a previous video on my YouTube Channel where I spoke about not being able to buy a second battery because its always backordered also no dummy battery support so I couldn’t use it for Zoom calls or live streaming. I would like for them to perfect the z50 and support it more before they decide to make another camera that is similar to it. One last point. THE BATTERY SUCKS! Ok so on to what I would prefer for Nikon to do with their spare time instead of giving us things we don’t need at this present time.
LENSES. I want Nikon to give us more Lenses! If you haven’t used any native Z Mount lenses stop reading this, sell one of your organs that isn’t that important and buy a Z Mount Lens! Well I’m kidding on the selling your organ part but please do yourself a favor and understand the main reason people are coming to the Nikon mirrorless system. Nikon only has like 2 Lenses for the Z50 so I would prefer for them to even make more DX lenses before they decide to make more cameras. We still don’t have a 105 1.4 for FX. There are so many things Nikon can put their attention into instead of this. Sorry for ranting make sure you follow my YouTube channel for more opinions on these topics